Timberlane Lodge, INC. Board of Directors Meeting - September 12, 2022


Board of Directors Meeting September 12, 2022

Via Zoom:  Call to Order – 7:33pm all on Zoom

Roll Call: Steve Ahmann, President, Chris Luscher, Vice President/Treasurer, Shannon Lampe, Doug Spingelt, Jennifer Ambrose, Larry Mach, Jeff Kirkman of PCAM (our professional property management company), and various community members. Not present, Christine Hickox (Secretary).

Changes to the Agenda: None
Minutes Review and approval: The June 27, 2022, Minutes were approved.

Management Report:
• August 31, 2022, Financial Report Overview. The August 31, 2022 financial report was approved.
• Progress made in collection of past dues and late fees. o Monthly payment schedule beginning to be adopted.

New Business:
• Water adjustments for lots 076 and 102 approved.

Old Business:
• Water Update: Leak detection professional obtained to isolate source of leaks in system. Multiple trees around pump house were taken down. Water committee has approved order of one hydrant style stand pipe to assess viability of this system for future standpipe replacement project.

Action Item: Charlie Preston will complete two side service replacements this fall to remedy identified leaks in the system. Larry Mach to troubleshoot painting of pump house concerns after existing paint determined to contain lead.

• Short-Term Rental Committee Update: Committee composed of community members, led by Board member Shannon Lampe, met to discuss this issue. General consensus of committee is Rules and Regulations are needed to address issues associated with STRs.

Action Item: Shannon to organize a second committee meeting. Intent of meeting is to have STR committee determine specific objectives and outcomes it would like to implement to address STR issues/concerns. Board members Doug Spingelt and Jennifer Ambrose will assist Shannon as needed. Board will then seek legal opinion as to viability of proposed actions by the STR committee. MOTION by Steve Ahmann: Have the STR committee develop a set of questions to pose to a Board-chosen attorney to answer in a Board meeting: MOTION APPROVED.

Executive Session:
• Meeting adjourned at 10:00p.m.

Design by Hannah